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    共26页 2022-04-06 5知币
    1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
    2.选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹
    1The teacher ________ his name and telephone number in my notebook.
    Acut down B wrote down C took up D took off
    2It's dark in the room. Please _________ the light.
    A.turn on B.open C.close D.turn off
    3He. _________ some sugar _________ the coffee.
    A.put at B.added to C.added with D.added/
    4.(题文) I forgot ___________ my English book.
    Abring B brought C to bring D bringing
    5I don t know if she to the movie. If she ,I ll tell you.
    Awent; goes B goes; will go
    Cwill go; goes D will go; will go
    6This coat doesn't fit him well as he has_____ a huge body and the coat is ____ small.
    Aso; such B so; so C such; such D such; so
    7Some people think singing English songs is the best way English.
    Alearn B learning C to learn D leamt
    8.— Do you like the country life?
    Yes.In the country there are cars,and there is pollution,too.
    A.more;fewer B.more;more C.fewer;less D.less;more
    9Linda,I have to go shopping now;please _________ your sister at home.
    A.look for B.look like C.look after D.look up
    10He is boring. I can t stand _________ with him in the same office.
    Ato work Bwork Cworking Dworks
    11The girl __________ shorter hair is my sister.
    A.have B.has C.with D.at
    12I have ______ friends, so I feel sad.
    A.few B.a little C.little D.quite a few
    13.— ________?
    It s Friday the 20th.
    AWhat is it B Whats the date today C Whats it like D Whats the time
    14.—How is Lucy s English?
    She always does very well in her English exams. But she can _______understand English
    radio programs.
    A.always B.already C.easily D.hardly
    15The girl s voice _______sweet . I like her songs.
    Asounds Blistens Csound Dlisten
    16His brother is ________ math. So he wants to be a computer programmer.
    Agood at Bwell at Cgood for Dgood with
    17.— What does he want to ________ when he ________ up?
    He wants to be a doctor.
    Adogrow Bdogrows Cbegrow Dbegrows
    181 don t like the colour of the T -shirt. Would you show me one?
    A.other B.the other C.another D.others
    19.— My sister is going to eat more vegetables. If she _______ so, she will lose weight.
    A.does B.doesn’t C.will D.won’t
    20.(题文) _________there __________mutton and vegetables in the noodles?
    AIs; any B Is; some C Are; any D Are; some
    1Early this morning I was busy________( ) in the garden to plant trees.
    2Cook the meat at a very high t________ for ten minutes.
    3Don't touch the________( 机器 )over there. It's dangerous.
    4I think ________ ( 秋天 )is the best time to visit the Great Wall.
    5There are few ________ ( 游客 ) in the park.
    22.句型考查:( 20 分) A:句型转换, 每空一词(共 10 分)
    1The children had a good time in the park.( 改为否定句 )
    The children ________ _______ a good time in the park.
    2Why dont you come to see me? ( 改为同义句 )
    _______ ________ come to see me ?
    3The machine helps them to wash clothes.( 改为一般疑问句 )
    . ________ the machine _______ them to wash clothes?
    4The bus is newer than the others.( 改为同义句 )
    The bus is________ __________ of all.
    5Ann went to the mountainby car..( 对划线部分提问 )
    ______ ________ Ann go to the mountain ?
    Movie World has the______ ______ seats.
    _____ do you ______ this clothes store ________ ________ ?
    These talent shows have one thing _________ __________ .
    This cinema is _______ ________ ________.